Saturday, July 3, 2010

Florence: Day 3

Today was another great day in Florence, but I have to admit, I think I'm ready to move on. Good thing tomorrow I leave for Venice.

I had a bit of trouble sleeping again last night, so I slept in this morning to make up for it. Also, I read a few chapters of my amazing book this morning as well, so that added up to kind of a late start. Oh well.

After breakfast, I went to the Bargello Museum where I saw Donatello's David (not quite as spectacular as Michelangelo's) as well as some works by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi. I also saw this amazing cannon, made for the Medici family:

I don't know who's head that is, but I think it's awesome.

After spending a couple of hours in the museum, I had some tasty pizza for lunch (I think by the end of Italy, I'll be sick of pizza and pasta...but not of gelato). Next, I went to the church of Santa Croce, which was beautiful.

Inside, there was a memorial sculpture for Michelangelo as well as the sepulchres for Galileo and Machiavelli. This is Galileo's tomb:

After seeing the church, I walked through the Mercato Centrale and refrained from buying anything once again. Then, I went back to the hotel to escape the heat and also to get some more reading in. Luckily I got to chat with Greg for a bit too. In fact, as I write this, he's probably at Stadium of Fire, though I'm guessing he hasn't played yet. Hopefully everything goes well!

Finally, at 8:00 this evening, my dear friend Emily got here! She will be staying with me here and coming to Venice tomorrow. It's so nice to have company once again. On to Venice!

PS: I apologize for the lack of pictures with people in them. I'm not good at taking those by myself.

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